Our sister company Greyhammer General Contracting works with homeowners and investors alike, specializing in residential, multi-family, and commercial building restoration, remodeling, general repair, water damage repair, insurance restoration work, mold remediation, construction defect and building maintenance work.

Our extensive experience in the residential & commercial construction repair business makes us a perfect fit for your maintenance needs! Our sister company Greyhammer General Contracting understand how to repair without the need to completely tear down and start over. Why spend the money if it isn’t necessary? Call 412-34-BUYER!

Our workmen are skilled at matching and seamless blending. Because we frequently repair buildings, we understand why & where failures occur. We are able to recommend fixes for these problem areas in most cases. We can work around your personal or business functions and budget to accommodate your needs. From small repairs to full remodels to maintenance of your rentals, we’ve got you covered!

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